Bleached InuYasha Galaxy

Thread for Bored Players
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Author:  Ryo [ August 24th, 2006, 12:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes a jobs system would be something that would provide more depth to mud and the classes within the mud. Since we currently have Combatants and Slayers there would definately be slaying tasks for Slayers to do, this is already planned to have simply not implimented yet. Combatants would have similar tasks to go out and do that would earn them things. I like the addition of stats the the requirement of different jobs and would add that for the class based jobs that your class level would be taken into consideration. Having other jobs like Farming, Firefighting, Mining, Hunting/Gathering, Bounties would all be interesting to implement and for the most part are totally doable with the systems we already have in place. When I say bounties I mean bounties on npcs like Shwi Shwi, Konk etc. Firefighting would be a little harder to do but it is doable if the builder were to put enough time into constructing the progs for it. Mining is already planned to exist at a later point in the game but it could be added sooner in a few places. Farming would be a little harder to do unless we were to go in and code in the growth of plants etc. Hunting/Gathering would be the easiest of these to put in since in essense they already exist just not to the degree that one would want for jobs.

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