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PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 10:58 pm 
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The lump moved, and the girl quickly turned her attention to it. She realized it was a person lieing against some logs, the person turned and mubbled before becoming still once more. This person, that made this fire, intrigued the girl. Her child side took it's right full place and she stood up and walked over though the trees closer to the person. She attempted to be careful and quiet but was more instrested in her destination... behind a lagre tree. It was about two back and a few trees to the side of the one the figure was under, she knelt down behind it and watched him sleep, some hair in his face, his body moving as he inhaled and exhaled. 'Why does this man not extinguish the fire?' she asked herself. The fire was getting lower and no one else was around to be using the fire. 'Then why keep it lit? There is no one to cook, and nothing that needs to be cooked. There is no snow to melt and no need for light when he sleeps.' She was confused but didn't speak a sound. The girl slowly inched back to laying hiding all but her head and even it was hard to see in it's usual shadowed state.

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PostPosted: March 16th, 2007, 3:06 pm 
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Still in his deep slumber,Kagomaru started dreaming once more,but this time however,the dream was of a place so dark he couldn't see the the end,skies gray and blighted...everything around him laid in ruin...truly a wasteland...A place where the sun crawled passed spires and towers,dark as the abyss itself...menacing yet laing in mute surrender to the waste that overcame them...

Kagomaru sighed...he recognized this was the place he once called home...A figure stood by one of the ruins...Tall,shadowed...yet familiar...Kagomaru approached him...

Kagomaru:"Who are you?Why are you in my dream?"
Dark Figure:"Why are you in your dream?That's the question you ought to be asking."
Kagomaru: "I don't have time for this...answer me..."
Dark figure:"Ever the impatient one...You puzzle me...a paradox in it's truest form...amusing creature..."
Kagomaru *his eyes glowing slightly*:"I am not here for your amusement,or anyone else's...leave me!:
Dark Figure*ignoring Kagomaru's comment and reaction*:"You struggle ageist your nature,try to change...fight to not fight...kill to not kill...You're something to behold *laughs softly* ..and herein lies the problem...Do you really think you can satisfy everything yow wish?You're very presence calls out to blood,you cannot deny your"*is interrupted by Kagomaru*
Kagomaru*determined*:"I changed...people don't need to die...nobody has power over life and death or judgment save for God took a great loss to teach me that,and for better or worse my lesson was learned...I don't need to answer to you,nor to anyone else,but i will answer to her..."
Dark Figure*laughing softly*:"You really are something..."

The dark figure stepped out of the shadows...and revealed himself...It was as if Kagomaru was looking in a mirror...

Dark Figure*having an almost nostalgic face*:"I hope for all our sakes that you can live up to your promise..."

As the words died on his lips he turned away and vanished into the shadows...

"...i will not fail,for she gives me strength ..."

He turned once more in his sleep...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 16th, 2007, 5:58 pm 
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The smoldering ashes no longer cast a glow but the girl didn't seem to notice. It puzzled her, the person would leave a fire, and then not sleep peacefully but still choose to both leave the fire and sleep. The girl sighed and watched the buning ashes grow darker. With a sizzle the last of the fire died and and the air filled with smoke. She muffled her cough with a sneeze and tried to beathe only though the cloth. The smoke burned her eyes but closing them made it sting more. The girl's eyes bagan to water and the smoke drifted upwards. As she lay there there she listened to the night, it wasn't close to dawn but looking at the sliver of visible moon(near a near moon night) it was likely midway into the night. A bat flew, caught and chomping on a moth was heard.

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PostPosted: March 19th, 2007, 2:14 pm 
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Kagomaru dreamed once more...This time he found himself in a room light by soft lights coming from candles placed about in the room.He was sitting on a sort of bed,he felt silk sheets on brush up ageist his skin...The room had a sweet scent,like freshly picked flowers,and in spite of all the candles that gave it that surreal glow,it was cool,a pleasant temperature.
A feather-soft breeze stirred the otherwise still flames and Kagomaru felt a hand on his was soft and gentile,with a very reassuring touch.

*with a soft,voluptuous yet extremely calming and loving voice* "...go back to sleep my love..."

Kagomaru turned and found a woman lying next to him...He could feel her scent,something very soothing...he couldn't believe it...It was her...He almost felt like weeping...something so beautiful,her golden and brown hair,like silk,her soft skin,and sweet scent...

Kagomaru:"...I...I...had a bad dream..."
The girl embraced Kagomaru and placed her head on his shoulder,hugging him reassuringly.
Girl:"tell me my love."
Kagomaru:"I dreamed i was away from you,that we where separated and that i couldn't see you...that-"
Girl:"I'm right here..."
The girl kissed Kagomaru...
Girl:"...i'll never leave you..."

Kagomaru slowly got up and walked out to a balcony that opened up to what seemed to be a garden of sorts...Everything seemed magical covered in the silver moonlight...She came after him wrapped in the sheaths they both shared...
The moonlight made her look even more beautiful...Those brown eyes of hers,like two drops of amber,seemed to have diamonds in them as they reflected the stars above...Kagomaru felt overwhelmed by her beauty...she always troubled him and reassured him at the same time with her warm smile...He got behind her and took her in her arms and held her tight...He felt her every breath,her every heartbeat...

Kagomaru:"I never want to leave you..."
Girl:"You never will my love."

She turned to kiss Kagomaru once again...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 19th, 2007, 3:46 pm 
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As the night got later and older the girl felt her attention drift and her eyes beg for sleep. 'Not yet' she told herself, 'Not until I know...". She wanted to know why this creature made the fire, why not put it out, and what it was still doing in this forest. She knew she wouldn't be able to do much soon but she really didn't want to sleep and awake to him gone.
How can he sleep so soundly and for so long? Doesn't he ever wonder what happens when he does? The girl sighed, so many questions. Maybe he liked his dreams, but they aren't real and only disapointing or frightening. She shruged and notice her arm were starting to ache. Carefully unfolding her left arm she drew in the dirt.

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PostPosted: March 19th, 2007, 5:36 pm 
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Dew began to form on the grass, and the feel of the approching morning was sure to follow. The girl shivers, she hated the sleepy feel of morning. The girl erased her drawing and began again.

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PostPosted: March 23rd, 2007, 4:44 pm 
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Kagomaru felt overwhelmed...It was too good to be true,and he felt he never wanted to leave...he wanted for time to freeze in the instant that was that perfect moonlight night with her in his arms...Yet he knew,deep inside his heart that it was all just a dream...he sobbed...

Girl:Don't be sad my love...
She took his hand and placed it on top of her heart.
Girl:You'll always be in my heart.
Kagomaru*hugging the girl holding her tightly*:And you'll always be in mine...

In the next instance he was holding her but they where back in the clearing he was lying in...

Girl:It's time to continue on your way my still your journey before you before we'll be reunited...I'll be waiting for you and praying every heart beat untill i'm once more in your arms...
Kagomaru:What would i do without you to give me strength

He kissed her once more time...passionately...He felt the call of reality screaming it's deafening roar,calling to him,bringing him back...

He slowly opened his eyes,refreshed yet he regretted the dream ended...At least he had her in his dreams...and maybe it was enough for now...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 23rd, 2007, 4:50 pm 
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The girl stop drawing as she notice tha man awake. His demener seemed sad, he appeared to not want to wake. The girl sighed, this was going to be a while. The morning fog was rolling in, the girl hoped that she was close enouh to still see him if he awoke before the fog began to clear.

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PostPosted: March 23rd, 2007, 4:56 pm 
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Kagomaru shook off the sorrow of leaving the dream...He had no choice...and he wasn't about to accept a swap between a dream and reality,for no dream was as sweet as the real thing...

He felt observed and began to scan the surroundings once more.He saw that same strange girl in the clearing some distance away from where he was...He slowly got up and started walking towards her through the morning mist...He was curious as to what or who she was...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 23rd, 2007, 5:03 pm 
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THe girl's eyes widened as he came in her direction, had he spotted her?!? How could he? She was laying flat against the ground, he would have only seen her face! She held her body as still as she could, hopeing on hope that it was not for her he walked this way. 'He's only coming this way by coinincedence' she thought to herself in a vain attempt to calm herself. It didn't work so she concentrated and all emotion fleed her body, she knew she would have been found if she let fear consume herself.

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PostPosted: March 23rd, 2007, 5:10 pm 
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Kagomaru's rubbed his eyes as he walked into the strange girl's direction...he was thinking whether she realized the fact that his perception was far grater then that of a normal creature...In any case he was not going to harm her...He could sense a cirten amount of nervousness from her,so he decided to pause...
He looked around,and turned to put the fire out completely,extinguishing any ashes that might still smolder...

Kagomaru*thinking to himself*:If she wants to reveal herself,she'll do int in due time,of her own accord...I don't want to meddle...

He started picking up the things the left behind that served as his camp.He once more surveyed the area and kept moving on the path leading through the forest,sighing from time to time,deep in thought as ever ...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 23rd, 2007, 5:15 pm 
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THe girl sighed and grined, she must not have been spotted. She did wonder why he splashed an extinguished fire though. Shaking her head she slowly, queitly followed him, hiding herself behind trees.

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PostPosted: March 23rd, 2007, 5:19 pm 
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Kagomaru continued walking...He was aware the was being followed but the stalker seemed to keep a safe distance and he didn't really mind the company...what baffled him was why this stalker was interested in him so...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: May 10th, 2007, 4:23 pm 
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The girl stopped, something was amiss. She climbed the tree she was behind and looked down from the tree she was in. She looked at the man, then back towards the clearing. She couldn't place it but something pulled her in both directions, what was wrong? The girl watched the man, she was about to loose sight of him. She made up her mind and carefully crawled to a nearby branch on another tree, and felt the branch sag. She made her way to the trunk before she was spotted. The spot wouldn't work for too much longer, and the fog was getting thicker. She began to make her way though the trees.

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PostPosted: June 19th, 2007, 3:05 am 
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Crawling from tree to tree on mid to high limbs the girl kept the man in her sight, but herself out of his. She was quiet, and slow enough to not disturb too many birds, twigs and other things that would give her away. She yawned and looked around, the sun was coming up and she blinked at the almost unfamiliar light. She sighs and continues picking out her path and following the man though the heavily wooded area without park pathes except paths made by deer for deer, racoons for racoons, ants for ants, and so on.

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