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 Post subject: Non lethal is good
PostPosted: April 16th, 2007, 12:49 am 
Fellow player

Joined: February 18th, 2007, 11:16 pm
Posts: 340
Our tale starts in Kaede's Village, where young Hakuri is waiting to be able to request her fourth job having just declined her third after failing her first two. An old friend of hers, Savon, seems to not have been training as hard as Hakuri, in fact he had lost all of his things and was barly alive thanks to Juan. Hakuri helped him out, found him some nicer threads and then she went to a friend’s house to watch Bleach, Blood Plus and a few other Animes. It turns out Savon had left to do the same. However, our story starts a little while after this. The two had traveled separate paths and it now appeared their paths were about to cross once more.

Savon tells Hakuri 'Are you there??'

Hakuri tells Savon 'Ya'
Not waiting for a response Hakuri does about her busness and descides to kill some villagers.

A female villager leaves south.

At full health, or close, Hakuri travels southward in pursuit of the villager. She was now along simple dirt path that continues off to the northeast, and south. Her prey, a female villager, stands here.

Hakuri lunged at the villager with her chain whip.
Savon tells Hakuri 'were are you??'
Hakuri ignores his question as she goes on the offensive again, attacking A female villager.

Hakuri’s lash *** ANNIHILATES *** A female villager! She does 243 points of damage.
A female villager is DEAD!
A female villager splatters blood on your armor.
Hakuri gets 30 yen from the corpse of A female villager.

Now ready to reply she pauses for a moment and replies,
Hakuri tells Savon 'Why?'

Fresh from battle, and barely scratched, Hakuri heads north, along a path. The path seems to be going off to the northeast the sounds of running water can be heard. The rice fields can be seen off to the southeast where people harvest their food. Choosing to go northeast, Hakuri finds herself approaching a bridge. The path here is covered with the tracks of carts and animal manure. The sound of water can be heard off in the distance. She walked further north, closer to the bridge, the path still looking similar to before. She stepped northeast a ways and found herself on a small bridge made of many solid wooden beams tied together with strong ropes. The small marks in the wood must mean that the bridge is often used by carts. The water below this bridge looks clear as crystal and moves with little speed. She crossed the bridge heading north before a large stairway that leads up the hill to the shrine. To the south of here smoke can be seen coming from the fire of the people in the village.

The reddish sun sets past the horizon, and the falling turns to freezing rain amidst flashes of lightning. Hakuri appears to be really hungry.

Savon tells Hakuri 'I’m just asking.'

Hakuri drinks blood from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle, tells Savon 'Kaede's village', and drinks another sip of blood, defeating her hunger. She starts climbing the stairs to her north, there is a peaceful feeling that lingers within the air. Some say that there is something here that brings on this feeling. The village shrine is up the hill to the north of here sitting atop the hill.

Savon, the eight legged youkai, is standing here with Uchimaru.
Hakuri waves to Savon and Uchimaru when she sees them loitering on the stairs. Savon, and then Uchimaru, bow deeply. Out of curiosity Hakuri says 'What are you guys doing here?'
Uchimaru says 'Travelling'
Savon says 'Just try to find some walking exp'
Hakuri says 'Just to travel? You mean jog?'
The lack of sunlight shows that night has begun. The sky settles, and the thunder surrenders.
Uchimaru is starved half to death and looks a little parched, Savon's stomach is growling.
Savon says 'Nope trying to find something to kill'
Savon drinks some blood from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle to still his stomach.
Uchimaru says 'To little avail I must say.' He shrugs.
Savon sips water from another of his sport bottles.
Hakuri says 'Here isn't a great area, the bandits will take yen' as she looks at Savon. She notices that he has white eyes, and green hair, is about 5'8" and weighs around 144 pounds. He is holding a lit torch, and is wearing a black shirt, a headband, a pair of blue baggy jeans, a pair of sturdy black boots, a set of black fingerless gloves, a blue vest, and wields an ASP Baton. He looks to be in perfect health.

Savon says 'most of my yen is in the bank.'

Uchimaru is still starving death and is now dying of thirst as well. Hakuri looks only a mite peckish.

Hakuri says 'The Forbidden Forest is better, there are bandits there but they are weaker.'
Hakuri drinks blood from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle, and licks her lips.

Savon says 'Last time I was there I died'
Hakuri says 'What did you kill?'

Savon’s torch extingusihes itself.

Hakuri says 'I mean, what killed you?' She looks around, and sees the three of them and her wolf standing on a long staircase. Crouched down, Hakuri’s Wolf peers about.

Savon says 'North of the fire demon right?'
Hakuri says 'No, from the first demon of fire it’s down to the large demon, north passed the large black demons, north to the fierce demon, east a ways and then north to the entrance of the forbidden forest.'
Hakuri repeats her question by saying 'What killed you in the Forbidden Forest?'
Savon says 'Oh okay, I got mix up'
Hakuri says 'The demon of fire killed you?'

The rain's intensity breaks.

Savon laughs 'Hell no!'
Hakuri says 'Then what did?'
Savon says 'I don't remember, it’s been a while.'
Pressing the question Hakuri tries to trigger his memory and says 'Disgruntled demon?'
Savon says 'no'
Hakuri says 'Fierce demon?'
Savon says 'no'
Hakuri says 'Lesser demon?'

Savon says 'No, we are talking about different places'
You say 'Where was it?'

A soft wind blows in bringing the flowery smell of the rice fields.

Savon says 'It was south of the Mountain.'
Hakuri says 'South of the mountain is Forbidden Forest isn’t it?'

Uchimaru is dieing from lack of water and food! Hakuri is really hungry, and Savon's stomach is growling.

Savon says 'Follow me'

Hakuri drinks blood from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle. She is a mite peckish and could use a sip of something refreshing.

Hakuri is now following Savon. She drinks water from a Traveler-brand Sport Bottle.

Savon says 'You know your way better... I'll follow you.'

Hakuri’s face questions Savon. She looks around, it’s still the three of them and wolf standing on the base of a long stairway. She stops following Savon and Savon begins to follow her.

The clouds disappear.
Both Savon and Uchimaru are staring to death, Uchimaru is also dehydrated, and Hakuri is only a little hungry.

Savon says 'Forbidden Forest'

As Savon requested Hakuri began to head for Haira, she went south off of the stairs, and looked around. To the south of here smoke can be seen coming from the fire of the people in the village. Life-wise, she saw only her trusted wolf, blushing she heads back north on the stairs to Uchimaru and Savon. Hakuri put one hand on her side a said ‘You can’t keep up if you jog, you need to stop jogging and walk like a normal person.’

Uchimaru nodded solemnly. Savon began to walk. The group headed south, now off the huge stairway. To the south of here smoke can be seen coming from the fire of the people in the village. Walking south toward the smoke onto a small bridge made of many solid wooden beams tied together with strong ropes. The small marks in the wood must mean that the bridge is often used by carts. The water below this bridge looks clear as crystal and moves with little speed.
Hakuri lead the group southwest then south, away from the bridge. Now they go southwest again, the path appears to be getting less clean as they leave the village, there is a female villager here.

Uchimaru continues to starve and crave water, apparently not noticing. Savon and Hakuri could both use some food as well.
Savon looks around for someone to kiss.

They are now going even further south, to the west is a shop of various magical items. Hakuri walks into the shop with Savon and Uchimaru close behind her. The shop has many shelves lined with various potions and staves. There is a smoking cauldron sitting in the far corner of the room with a foul smell coming from it. Herbs and powders are stacked along one wall with strange symbols on the sides of the jars they are in. An Apothecary stands here selling his potions. Realizing her mistake Hakuri quickly leads everyone east, out of the shop, and back north. Here a villager seems to stand here waiting for something. Not wanting to waste more time they quickly head northeast, north, then northeast, now once again on the bridge. Hakuri tuns north and the trio no stand before the grand stairway once more. But this time Hakuri goes east, along a walkway, at the end of the broad stone path. Stepping off the end of the path they step onto another bridge, or is it the same one? The rough wooden bridge is stretching north and south across a river that is running northeast to southwest. Vines soaked, stripped and then braided together to bind the wooden planks into the bridge are resting under their feet. The bridge was constructed in a large T to also allow passage to the east.
Following her map Hakuri led Savon and Uchimaru though the Forest of Inuyasha. She went south, into the dense forest it seemed that everywhere they looked there is some form of life. Birds chirp high in the trees, and even small woodland creatures scurry about, gathering food for the coming winter. Leading the two others east, further into the forest, the wind blows, the mighty trees sway back and forth, but never give in to the demanding breeze. A small path has been made that leads deeper into the forest, which they followed east, south, east, southeast, and a ways east. The small path wines threw a dense forest, sounds of birds singing and other wildlife can be heard from the forest. The path continues deeper into the forest. They go east and find a sign posted on a tree, mentioning the dangers of the forest. Still following the trail they head south, a cool breeze comes from the north tickling their hair. Small rolling hills can be seen off in the distance. Heading towards the east a ways, they two followers can’t help but wonder if they are almost there yet, the forest was starting to scare them. They continued even farther east, until the trees blocked the way. However the trail went southeast, around the tree, and so they followed it. Now able to, the trail went east for a while longer before being able to go northeast. A few steps east and they now saw the end of the trail. The group had safely found the end of the forest and walked out of it following the trail northeast. Home at last Hakuri ran east for a while before stopping short just before running over a forest guide. She paused, waiting for the other two, then they headed north until they had to choose east, west, or back south. With out hesitation Hakuri went east. Here a large gourd and an unlit torch lay abandoned, but once again they were ignored as Hakuri walked east a bit more. A deep growl could be heard to the east but it didn’t faze the group one bit. Where they were headed there would be worthy foes. They went east and saw the source of the growl, a large demon chewing on a corpse. They ignored it and walked east only to find themselves in a damp cave with a large black demon. The three comrades new it’s power wasn’t much more formitable than the large demon and both were too easy to be a good warm up for the three of them. Kicking a dropped cup they went north, behind the brush, where a fierce looking demon lived. It growled at the trio but the paid it no heed, shaking her head at 3 dropped cups Hakuri lead Savon and Uchimaru east.
All three of them were very hungry, and Uchimaru was still dehydrated. Still they headed east. They were now inside a forest the south impassable because of the dense trees. They went east, deep into the forest, manuvering though the trees, to the south was a well. Farther into the forest there was a sign warning them to go back, but none of them read the sign. This time it was Savon who kicked the dropped cup as they went east. Here a full shot of sake was carefully put here on the dirt floor. They were standing before a large forest that was dark and foreboding. There was no sound of woodland creatures such as birds.
Hakuri knew full well the dangers up ahead. She stopped and looked at her two followers and said 'Ready?'

Savon nods and says 'yep '
Uchimaru says 'As I'll ever be'

Savon falls to the floor as his arms and legs lengthen and contort into spidery appendages. As he falls more legs grow from his sides totaling eight in all. His face and body warp into a spider’s anterior and posterior.

Hakuri says 'Watch your health carefully.' She had died much here from failing to do so.

Savon chuckles politely. Carfully Hakuri leads them north, to the entrance of the Forbidden Forest. Trees rise up high from the ground, sprawling out to the north as far as the eye can see. A dirt path leads into the forest, hardly visible due to the thick mist that blankets the ground.

A loud death cry bears into Uchimaru’s head, but doesn’t faze Hakuri as she continues north. Here the corpse of a wolf, two pools of blood, the corpse of a lesser youkai and the reminents of a gourd dirty the forest floor. Kunari, the Flame Hanyou, stands here. Uchimaru descides to follow his friend Savon instead of Hakuri, hiding behind him. Water can be heard to the west.
Hakuri waves to Kunari in greeting before guiding Savon and Uchimaru further north. Here, a demon of great power looms over the group but Hakuri gets her group away from it, to the north safely. Now deep in the forest the sounds of those who live here can be heard. To the west is now the sound of rushing water. A lesser youkai creeps past, and leaves south. Hakuri grins evilly and follows it south. Now both a lesser and a powerful demon are here. Kunari arrives, jogging, from the south just in time. Hakuri led a charge on the lesser youkai.
Hakuri attacks a lesser youkai!
Hakuri critically hits a lesser youkai!
Hakuri’s lash _cripples_ a lesser youkai! She does 220 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash mauls a lesser youkai! She does 65 points of damage.
Hakuri critically hits a lesser youkai!
Hakuri’s lash DISFIGURES a lesser youkai! She does 338 points of damage.
Hakuri parries a lesser youkai's attack.

The mist swirls about the forest floor.

Hakuri smashes into a lesser youkai, leaving it stunned!
Hakuri’s lash DISFIGURES a lesser youkai! She does 380 points of damage.
A lesser youkai is DEAD!!
A lesser youkai screams furiously as it falls to the ground in a heap!

Kunari kneels down. Hakuri, unharmed, leads Savon and Uchimaru north before the greater youkai can enact revenge.

Savon says 'group us'

A youkai of great power strides through the mist, its muscles rippling.

The day has begun.

All three of them are starving to death.
Savon joins Hakuri’s group.
Uchimaru isn't following Hakuri.

Hakuri says 'Uchimaur, follow me.'

Uchimaru now follows Hakuri.
Uchimaru joins Hakuri’s group.

Hakuri drinks a few mouthfulls of blood from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle before heading north.

Savon chuckles politely.

Hakuri continues north some more, looking for another good warm-up foe, this time to test her follower’s strength. A large black bear and an average demon stand here in deep conversation. Desciding to not interupt Hakuri lead Uchimaru and Savon north a bit. They come across a tree viper but Hakuri never learned the power of a viper so she left it be. She continued to lead north, trees rise up from the ground, towering into the air, partially blocking out the sun. The thick mist covering the ground here provides cover for anything low enough to hide in it. Creatures or even people could be waiting behind the endless amount of trees here plotting an ambush. A bandit, hiding, and two boars, are also here.

Hakuri attacks a bandit!
Hakuri’s lash batters a bandit! She does 93 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash thrashes a bandit! She does 71 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash mauls a bandit! She does 153 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash smashes a bandit! She does 125 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash decimates a bandit! She does 187 points of damage.

Savon's lash thrashes a bandit! He does 45 points of damage.

Uchimaru's hack hits a bandit! He does 27 points of damage.

Savon's lash misses a bandit. He does 0 points of damage.
Savon's lash strikes a bandit! He does 32 points of damage.

A bandit wounds Hakuri! It does 209 points of damage.
A bandit wounds Hakuri! It does 208 points of damage.
A bandit injures Hakuri! It does 219 points of damage.

Hakuri dodges a bandit's attack.

Uchimaru jumps at a bandit, yelling 'Sankon Tetsusou', and rips it up, with their sharp claws!
Uchimaru's sankon tetsusou jolts a bandit! He does 25 points of damage.

A bandit leaves south.
In the rush, a bandit accidently drops some Yen.
A bandit flees head over heels!

A bandit arrives from the south.

A bandit says 'Your blood is mine, Uchimaru!'
A bandit _demolishes_ Uchimaru! It does 262 points of damage.
A bandit _demolishes_ Uchimaru! It does 257 points of damage.

Uchimaru's hack misses a bandit. He does 0 points of damage.

Hakuri’s lash _devastates_ a bandit! She does 251 points of damage.

A bandit leaves east.

In the rush, a bandit accidently drops some Yen.
A bandit flees head over heels!

Hakuri gets 20 yen.

Hakuri leads the other two east in pursuit of the bandit. A red furred fox and a bandit are standing here.

Hakuri attacks a bandit!
Hakuri’s lash decimates a bandit! She does 163 points of damage.

A bandit leaves west.
In the rush, a bandit accidently drops some Yen.
A bandit flees head over heels!

Hakuri gets 6 yen, then leads the group west to finish the bandit. A pile of yen, a boar and a bandit are here.
Hakuri attacks a bandit!
Hakuri’s lash _shatters_ a bandit! She does 178 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash _devastates_ a bandit! She does 195 points of damage.
A bandit is DEAD!!
A bandit gasps its last breath and blood spurts out of its mouth and ears.
As a bandit collapses, a shikon shard falls out of the body!
The shard falls to the floor.

Hakuri gets 308 yen from the corpse of a bandit
Hakuri splits 308 Yen.

Hakuri gets a shikon shard.

Day breaks as the sun lifts into the sky.

The clouds disappear.

Uchimaru is dehydrated and is starving.

Hakuri’s hand burns, as a shikon shard grows more pure.

Hakuri’s bleeding stops.

Savon is starved half to death!

Hakuri says 'Who wants it?'

Savon says 'Me'

Uchimaru nods solemnly.
Uchimaru says 'That was the deal'

Hakuri drops a shikon shard.

Savon gets a shikon shard.
Savon gets 12 yen.

Hakuri looks around, there is a bandit corpse, a pool of blood, and a boar. She heads north the other two right behind her, nothing. She walks north again. A glowing purified shard lies here.

Hakuri says 'Who?'

Uchimaru smiles happily.

Savon says 'not me'

Uchimaru gets a purified shard.

Savon says 'Uch.'

Hakuri gave a smile smiled and slowly walked north. Trees and rock form a sharp corner here, baracading you in the forest and keeping further "intruders" from entering. A thick, white mist blankets the entire ground as far as the eye can see. Unable to go north any further, and rushing water to the west, they turn east. Trees twist up from the ground, rising above most of the mightiest demons. A thick mist blankets the ground, twisting and swirling with life. The leaves of the mighty giants block out the sun partially during the daytime and the moon during the night, leaving little light during any part of the day. Here a trent and a boar remind them that this forest is full of foes. Hakuri descided to go to the base of the mountain where Savon had memtioned he had been killed, so she went east. A large tree arrived from the west but they ignored it and walked north onto a rickety bridge suspended high above the air. As unsturdy as this bridge may seem, it is just the opposite. The wooden planks that form it and the rope that holds these planks together is in fairly good condition. An average demon stood here as the trio continued north. Entering a trail in a light forest they could see signs of a village up ahead, and a mountain. Uchimaru's hand burns, as a purified shard shimmers. All three were still very hungry if not starving. Hakuri led them north it the village entrance.
It’s a small village, but in good shape considering what they had seen on the other side of the bridge. Surounding the village is a light forest, and to the north is a mountain.

Savon says 'I like this place.'
As Savon stands on his back most legs they slowly change to that of a human as do his arms. The legs that had grown from his side slowly change back in to the sides of a human. The rest of him change in to that of a human.

Uchimaru drops a cup of water.
Uchimaru drops a cup of water.

Hakuri simled sweetly at Savon then led them north though the village. It is a dusty, dirt path that leads north and south and seems to serve as somewhat of a main street through the village. To the west is the wooden home of a villager. Choosing to follow the path and go closer to the mountain Hakuri walked north. The small homes of villagers line both sides of the path here. They walked north to the light forest, they were now south of the forest but north of the village. Hakuri choose to continue north, on a dirt path through the forest. The dirt path is covered by the shadows of tree leaves which provide a fairly nice shade. A cool breeze blows throughout the area every so often rustling these leaves. Following the path they found themselves at the base of the mountain. By the looks of things, a path has been laborously made all the way to the summit for someone's convenience. Hakuri walked north and stopped at the start of the mountain trail. Here, the dirt trail ends here, before a solid wall of rock. Jagged stones spike out of the wall, making it easy to climb upwards. These rocks don't appear to have been naturally placed here, though.

Hakuri says 'Mountain', pointing out the obvious.

Uchimaru says 'Too bad I'm too low for this group', frowning.

Hakuri says 'Who wants to see Birds of Paradice?'
Hakuri says 'You just don't get exp.'

Savon says 'been there. '

Uchimaru says 'But the shards are a perk.'
Uchimaru's hand burns, as a purified shard shimmers.

All three were more than ready to stop off at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Savon says 'Yes they are'
Savon embeds a shikon shard into his arm.

Hakuri says 'Want to go to Birds of Paradise or roam here?'

Uchimaru says 'Your choice'

Savon says 'Uch?'

Hakuri shruged and started to climb upwards, watching to make sure that the other two could climb up. Once up they found themselves on a mountain trail. Once again the dirt path can be seen here, carved between a light forest and the stone walls of the mountain. Two options are present here: Either climb back down or head eastwards. The group went east. The trail curves sharply to the north and steepens just the slightest bit. Yet another wall of jagged rock can be seen to the north, allowing an easy climb up towards the mountain. Surrounding the path grow trees which push up against unpassable parts of the mountain. Following Hakuri north Savon and Uchimaru stumbled though the path. Surrounding on either side are walls of rock, leaving only the options of climbing the jagged rocks which stick out in spikes or head back to the trail south of here. Carfully they helped each other up the wall and onto another trail. The trail here is narrow. No great youkai, in their natural state at least, could squeeze through here. Shade is provided by an overhead passage of stone which catches a cool breeze, sending it downwards. Hakuri looked east, then headed west. Once again, the trail curves sharply. It seems that narrow steps have been carved for the easy passage of this mountain's travelers. The trail leads back to the east. Hakuri ran up the wall, fell, landing hard on her back and painfully climbed up proberly, and slowly with extra care. The path here is flat upon the ground, releasing the strain of having to continously venture up this large, steep mountain. Though, this small luxury does not last to the north, where the trail becomes incredibly steep. Sliding south the two hanyou and one youkai made there way north. The trail here is incredibly steep, though it lightens on the path to the east. To the west is a split in the mountain rock, covered by trees, but still passable.
Hakuri surveyed west then went east. The trail bends sharply here, leading both east and west. To the east
the path is easier to walk on, due to its flatness, the western path straining to both walk up and down due to its steepness. They continued east and then climbed upward with only moderate difficulty this time. The rock and trees which surround the path give it plenty of shade from the sun when it is present, giving the area a cooling feeling. A slope leads downwards, while the path continues to the east, so of course they went east. The path was easier to wlk at Hakuri lead them all north. The sound of running water can be heard to the east. Hakuri turned east and surveyed to check that she was where she thought she was. She noded to herself and continued east. The sound of running water can be heard as one nears the hot springs to the east. Steam arises from the water which is warmed by a natural thermal energy under the mountain. To the mild displeasure of Uchimaru and Savon, Hakuri ignored the hot springs as she dutifully walked east. Amazingly, these springs seem to be used by almost no one, if anyone. Steam arises from the heated, relaxing water. A path of solid stone runs east between the hot springs. Hakuri sighed at the stone path, happy to have an easy trail if only for a moment. This path of solid stones lies between the springs. It looks to go off into the east. North and south lies the warm, soothing spring water which seems to be uninhabitted by anyone.

Uchimaru goes to embed a purified shard, but it rejects his body.

The group traveled east, the stone path warm from the hot springs. Somehow Hakuri resisted going north or south to bathe and continued east. A slight mist covers the ground rising out of the hot springs. On the ground lies an ivory hilt, and a traveler sits here nursing an ankle.

A traveler looks up at you, smiling and says, "Oh thank goodness you're here... I was climbing and I spranged my ankle... Nothing serious, but you see, I can't call for help all the way up here. Could you please find it in your heart to bring me a gourd of water?"

A traveler lies against the cave wall, "Just say you have the gourd when you have it."

Ignoring the wounded traveler Hakuri walked east, the other two not wanting to be seperated quickly followed. This road leads to the woods which reside on the hillside of the mountain which is home of the Gokuraku and some wolves. The road seems clean as if it were made recently to lead newcomers to the mountain. A large sign with a message sits here. Almost making a point to ignore the sign Hakuri walked northeast.

Uchimaru snaps his fingers.

As the road continues, it becomes more visible that there is a split in the mountain. The mountain itself is divided in two and in the middle is a river which is connected to the waterfall above the mountain. Echoes of what seem to be screeches are heard from here. A wolf pup is running about the room. A wolf pup arrives from the northeast.

Uchimaru's hand burns, as a purified shard shimmers.

Uchimaru is starving and is dying of thirst, Hakuri and Savon are also starving. Hakuri could use a bit of water.

Hakuri says 'You two trade shards.'
Hakuri drinks blood from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle.

Uchimaru says 'This shard doesn't like me’

Hakuri drinks water from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle.

Savon prys a shikon shard out of their arm.
Savon manages to catch the shard before it hits the floor.

Hakuri drinks water from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle.

Savon drops a shikon shard.

Uchimaru drops a purified shard.
Uchimaru gets a shikon shard.

Savon gets a purified shard.

Uchimaru embeds a shikon shard into his arm.

Savon goes to embed a purified shard, but it rejects his body.

A wolf pup growls.
A wolf pup leaves northeast.

Hakuri says 'You should be attaching to weapons and staying non lethal anyway though.'
Hakuri looks around, a wolf pup is running about the room and barks like a dog.

Hakuri attacks A wolf pup!
Hakuri’s lash *** ANNIHILATES *** A wolf pup! She does 215 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash MUTILATES A wolf pup! She do 84 points of damage.
A wolf pup is DEAD!!
A wolf pup hits the ground ... DEAD.

Uchimaru prys a shikon shard out of their arm.
Uchimaru slips in an attempt to grab the shard, and it falls to the floor.

Hakuri leads the group northeast, the woods at the foot of the mountain can be seen from here, also many caves which are home to some of the wolf demons who inhabit this area. But they could also be the home of the Gokuraku. A wolf pup is running about the room. They continued northeast. Clearing the dirt road, more things become more visible. Wolves can be seen roaming the area and large birds are seen flying in the sky above. The wolves seem to be slightly disturbed, this may be because of the constant attacks they recieve from the bird demons, so it is only natural for them to seem upset to recieve travelers into their territory. An avarage wolf sneaks around the room, to ambush a Gokuraku.

Hakuri attacks An avarage wolf!
An avarage wolf dodges Hakuri’s attack.
An avarage wolf dodges Hakuri’s attack.
An avarage wolf dodges Hakuri’s attack.
An avarage wolf dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Hakuri’s lash _cripples_ An avarage wolf! She does 212 points of damage.

Hakuri dodges An avarage wolf's attack.
Hakuri dodges An avarage wolf's attack.
Hakuri dodges An avarage wolf's attack.
Hakuri dodges An avarage wolf's attack.

Hakuri tries to stun An avarage wolf, but he dodges out of the way.

Uchimaru critically hits An avarage wolf!

An avarage wolf dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Hakuri’s lash misses An avarage wolf. She does 0 points of damage.

Savon critically hits An avarage wolf!

An avarage wolf's bite scratches Savon. He does 33 points of damage.
An avarage wolf's slash scratches Savon. He does 17 points of damage.
An avarage wolf injures Savon! He does 129 points of damage.

Hakuri’s lash _cripples_ An avarage wolf! She does 204 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash _maims_ An avarage wolf! She does 146 points of damage.

An avarage wolf's slash scratches Savon. He does 26 points of damage.
An avarage wolf hits Savon! He does 148 points of damage.
An avarage wolf's kick grazes Savon. He does 33 points of damage.
An avarage wolf jars Savon! He does 158 points of damage.

Savon falls to the foor as his arms and legs lengthen and contort into spidery appendages. As he falls more legs grow from his sides totalong eight in all. His face and body warp into a spiders anterior and posterior.

An avarage wolf dodges Hakuri’s attack.
An avarage wolf dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Savon's lash flogs An avarage wolf! He does 22 points of damage.

An avarage wolf hits Savon! He does 124 points of damage.
An avarage wolf's slash grazes Savon. He does 5 points of damage.

Uchimaru says 'I dropped it'

Uchimaru critically hits An avarage wolf!

Hakuri’s lash misses An avarage wolf. She does 0 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash _shatters_ An avarage wolf! She does 82 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash _shatters_ An avarage wolf! She does 82 points of damage.

An avarage wolf is DEAD!!
An avarage wolf's severed head plops from its neck.
Hakuri gets a wolf's fang from the corpse of An avarage wolf

Hakuri looked around, the head of an average wolf and the corpse of an average wolf lie here along with a pool of blood.

Savon says 'go back'

Hakuri nods and goes southwest.

Uchimaru is dieing of malnurishment.

Savon's hand burns, as a purified shard shimmers.

Hakuri attacks A wolf pup!

Hakuri’s lash DISFIGURES A wolf pup! She does 115 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash * OBLITERATES * A wolf pup! She does 187 points of damage.

A wolf pup is DEAD!!
A wolf pup gasps its last breath and blood spurts out of its mouth and ears.
Hakuri gets a wolf's fang from the corpse of A wolf pup

Hakuri drops a wolf's fang.
Hakuri drops a wolf's fang.

Uchimaru says 'Which way?'

Hakuri leads the enturage back southwest. The corpse of A wolf pup lies here. A pool of spilled blood lies here. (Glowing) A glittering shikon shard lies here.

Uchimaru gets a shikon shard.

You say 'sorry'

Savon chuckles politely.

Hakuri fills Traveler-brand Sport Bottle from the spilled blood.

Quickly Hakuri returns to where they were, northwest twice.

Uchimaru nods solemnly.

They travel north, up ahead seems to be a split in paths, as the woods can be seen, but so can a waterfall bearing a cave within it. The woods seem to be safe to travel in, since the Gokuraku demons usually dwell in the higher parts of the mountain. Also the wolf demons here are rather noble, but still edgy over the fact that they fear for their lives. Continuing north there is still no shard for Hakuri, perhaps they should return to the Forbidden forest? Hakuri sighs and goes north. This is where the first of the many splits on this region begin. Further north rests the river spliting the mountain in two, along with the waterfall and the cave within it. Then to the east can be seen more wolves, some who are regular wolves, and some who are wolf demons. Continuing north they came across a bandit outside a waterfall. From here the large waterfall that covers the small cave behind it roars ferociously. The waterfall then flows in the river which leads northeast. The river seems to be pretty lengthly and maybe many type of fish inhabit it.

Hakuri attacks a bandit!

A bandit dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Hakuri critically hits a bandit!
Hakuri’s lash _cripples_ a bandit! She does 271 points of damage.

A bandit parries Hakuri’s attack.
A bandit parries Hakuri’s attack.
A bandit dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Savon's lash flogs a bandit! He does 43 points of damage.

Hakuri parrys a bandit's attack.

A bandit's kick misses Hakuri. He does 0 points of damage.
A bandit's punch scratches Hakuri. He does 15 points of damage.
A bandit's kick scratches Hakuri. He does 23 points of damage.

A droplet of rain falls upon you.

Savon's hand burns, as a purified shard shimmers.

Hakuri tries to stun a bandit, but he dodges out of the way.
Hakuri’s lash _maims_ a bandit! She does 153 points of damage.

Savon's lash pummels a bandit! He does 44 points of damage.

A bandit's punch nicks Savon! He does 25 points of damage.

Uchimaru jumps at a bandit, yelling 'Sankon Tetsusou', and rips him up, with their sharp claws!
Uchimaru's sankon tetsusou jars a bandit! He does 37 points of damage.
Uchimaru's sankon tetsusou jars a bandit! He does 34 points of damage.
Uchimaru's sankon tetsusou hits a bandit! He does 28 points of damage.
Uchimaru's sankon tetsusou jars a bandit! He does 33 points of damage.

A bandit parries Hakuri’s attack.

Hakuri critically hits a bandit!
Hakuri’s lash MUTILATES a bandit! She does 271 points of damage.

A bandit is DEAD!!
A bandit catches his guts in his hands as they pour through his fatal wound!

Hakuri gets 300 yen from the corpse of a bandit
Hakuri splits 300 Yen.

Hakuri gets Hide armor from the corpse of a bandit
Hakuri gets Hide leggings from the corpse of a bandit
Hakuri gets a small dagger from the corpse of a bandit
Hakuri gets a small pouch from the corpse of a bandit

Hakuri drops Hide leggings.
Hakuri drops Hide armor.
Hakuri drops a small dagger.
Hakuri drops a small pouch.

Uchimaru gets Hide leggings.

Hakuri says 'Any items you want?'

Hakuri looks around the room.

Uchimaru stops using Faded Leather Pants.

Savon says 'not me'

Uchimaru slips into Hide leggings.
Uchimaru gets Hide armor.
Uchimaru fits Hide armor on his body.

Uchimaru says 'I'm good'

Hakuri says 'Compare the pants and leggings.'

It's noon.

Savon's hand burns, as a purified shard shimmers.

As Savon stands on his back most leg they slowly change to that of a human as do his arms. The legs that had grown from his side slowly change back in to the sides of a human. The rest of him change in to that of a human.

Uchimaru says 'These are better than what I had'

Uchimaru gets a small pouch.
Uchimaru drops A kimono.
Uchimaru gets a small dagger.

Hakuri looks around the room.

Uchimaru says 'Ok'

Hakuri walked north. The roaring of water falling grows louder as you step in underneath the waterfall. The path continues north, leading to the cave which the waterfall conceals with it rushing waters, as to the east the water which comes from the waterfall goes into the river that carries northeast. Ready to continue they go north. Past the waterfall everything seems to be alot more darker in the side. The path ahead splits in two directions, northeast and northwest. Somewhat of a foul stench can be smelled from here, as if something or somethings died here. A ruined pelt has been discarded here.
Hakuri surveys northeast.

Savon's hand burns, as a purified shard shimmers.
Savon drinks blood from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle.
Savon drinks blood from Traveler-brand Sport Bottle.

Uchimaru stops using a short axe.
Uchimaru attaches a shikon shard to a short axe.
Uchimaru wields a short axe.

Hakuri looks around the room.
Hakuri surveys northeast.
Hakuri surveys northeast.
Hakuri surveys northeast.
Hakuri surveys northwest.
Hakuri walks northwest, followed by savon and Uchimaru. It would seem wolves inhabit this cave as well. Continuing north would take you to what seems to be a small opening leading up futher the mountain. Southwest of here another path can be seen which would take you west. The smell is strong from here, it seems to be emitting from the path directing southwest.

Hakuri surveys north.
Hakuri leads her followers north. The smell from all the corpses seem to be less intense here, for there is a small opening up ahead, which filters in fresh air from the outside. Still dark however, one should be on guard constantly incase something plots an ambush. A long, thin bladed sword has been left here. The corpse of a disgruntled wolf wanders about the area, lifeless.

Savon's hand burns, as a purified shard shimmers.

Hakuri gets An old-looking katana.

Uchimaru puts A Short Dagger in a small pouch.
Uchimaru puts Faded Leather Pants in a small pouch.

Hakuri attacks a disgruntled wolf corpse!

A disgruntled wolf corpse dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Hakuri’s lash bludgeons a disgruntled wolf corpse! She does 98 points of damage.

A disgruntled wolf corpse dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Savon critically hits a disgruntled wolf corpse!

Uchimaru critically hits a disgruntled wolf corpse!

A disgruntled wolf corpse's slash scratches Hakuri. It does 20 points of damage.
A disgruntled wolf corpse's bite brushes Hakuri. It does 12 points of damage.
A disgruntled wolf corpse wounds Hakuri! It does 210 points of damage.

Hakuri’s lash _maims_ a disgruntled wolf corpse! She does 198 points of damage.

Savon's lash misses a disgruntled wolf corpse. He does 0 points of damage.

A disgruntled wolf corpse decimates Savon! It does 246 points of damage.

A disgruntled wolf corpse's slash nicks Savon. It does 12 points of damage.

Uchimaru cuts himself, dips his claws in their own blood, and yells 'Hijin Ketsusou', throwing the blades of blood at a disgruntled wolf corpse!

Uchimaru's hijin ketsusou wounds a disgruntled wolf corpse! He does 25 points of damage.

Uchimaru critically hits a disgruntled wolf corpse!

A disgruntled wolf corpse dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Hakuri’s lash mauls a disgruntled wolf corpse! She does 73 points of damage.

A disgruntled wolf corpse's slash grazes Savon. It does 4 points of damage.
A disgruntled wolf corpse's bite nicks Savon! It does 15 points of damage.
A disgruntled wolf corpse's bite grazes Savon. It does 6 points of damage.

Hakuri tries to stun a disgruntled wolf corpse, but it dodges out of the way.

Hakuri’s lash _devastates_ a disgruntled wolf corpse! She does 121 points of damage.

Hakuri critically hits a disgruntled wolf corpse!

A disgruntled wolf corpse dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Savon is losing blood...

A disgruntled wolf corpse's bite jolts Savon! It does 33 points of damage.
A disgruntled wolf corpse _traumatizes_ Savon! It does 242 points of damage.

Uchimaru jumps at a disgruntled wolf corpse, yelling 'Sankon Tetsusou', and rips it up, with their sharp claws!
Uchimaru's sankon tetsusou jars a disgruntled wolf corpse! He does 36 points of damage.
Uchimaru's sankon tetsusou thrashes a disgruntled wolf corpse! He does 41 points of damage.
Uchimaru's sankon tetsusou hits a disgruntled wolf corpse! He does 27 points of damage.
Uchimaru's sankon tetsusou jars a disgruntled wolf corpse! He does 29 points of damage.

Uchimaru's hack misses a disgruntled wolf corpse. He does 0 points of damage.

A disgruntled wolf corpse dodges Hakuri’s attack.

Hakuri’s lash decimates a disgruntled wolf corpse! She does 79 points of damage.
Hakuri’s lash decimates a disgruntled wolf corpse! She does 73 points of damage.

A disgruntled wolf corpse is DEAD!!
A disgruntled wolf corpse screams furiously as it falls to the ground in a heap!

Hakuri says 'Sankon is better than Hijin'
Hakuri looks around the cave.

Uchimaru says 'Yep '

Savon’s look questions the two others.

Hakuri fills Traveler-brand Sport Bottle from the spilled blood.

Uchimaru says 'but I like it better'

Hakuri says 'Half-demon attacks', in response to Savon’s confusion.

Heading north, up the cave, the opening above emits a faint light, indicating that it leads to an upper area of the mountain, which is in the open. The smell still lingers, but not as strong as before. A long-dead corpse of what was likely a wolf wanders around, but the group paid it no heed and climbed upwards. Now at split paths within the mountain, there are two paths, one heading south and the other heading east. To the east a trail can be seen clearly, for it is outside. While south seems to be a cave which leads to a dead end. Uchimaru is starved half to death!

Savon's hand burns, as a purified shard shimmers.
Blood drips slowly from Savon's wounds.

Hakuri surveyed south, ignoring Savons wounds, and chose to go that way. Emerging from the cave, light starts to emit brightly at this point, the cave lights up, thanks to the light from the opening south of here. Continuing southwards they now stand outside of the cave. Easily noticed are the flock of Gokuraku demons that fly around these parts. Aside the view from here is breath taking, and would be most enjoyable if there wasn't Gokuraku bird demons charging at everyone they see. Upon realizing it was a dead end Hakuri proptly turned back north and lead the trio back to the split. Without hesitaion they headed east along a mountain trail. As they headed a ways east Svon descided to break the silence and speak.

Savon says 'I... I can't wait to get light whip.' His voice was nervous and quivering. Perhaps this eerie area, along with the silence, was starting to scare him.

Before long they found themselvs at the end of the trail. The cliff drops off into raging waters, as if someone would survive the fall long enough to feel the river tear them to shreds. Surveying around all Hakuri saw was air past the small piece of cliff they stood, in no hurry to plunge into certain death they hurried back west.

Large snow flakes begin to fall with the rain. All three were starving, and Savon's hand burned, as his purified shard shimmered. They saw nothing of intrest here so they climbed back down, trying not to step on each other’s heads. The walking corpse was still here, and Hakuri descided that something was needed to break the dullness so she attacked it. The corpse dodged her attack but she quickly lashed out again and gave it a nice gash, at least nice for Hakuri. Chargeing once more at the corpse is dodged out of the way and Hakuri narrowly stopped heself from running into the wall. Almost bouncing off of the wall she lunged at her prey but only barly hit it, stopping short she turned and lashed at it twice, the second slsh having lost some of the momentom the previous on had had but still gashing the zombie fairly well.
Apparently bored that the battle was not yet finished Uchimaru jumped in for his turn not wanting to miss out of the fun. Ignoring Uchimaru, the wolf tried to attack Hakuri but missed but bit her arm just enough to hurt a little. Hakuri threw the corpse off of her just before it tried to scratch her. Annoied Hakuri attempted to stun the wolf but it doged her but was unable to avoid a crippling blow from her weapon. She grined and went on the offencive but somehow the corpse dodged her attacks and went after Savon. It gave Savon a small bite but before he could shake it off it’s four paws did a number on him. Not stopping her attacks Hakuri tried again but here the wolf jumps off of Savon and Hakuri barely missed Savon. Savon, gritting his teeth, pounced on the wolf but it shook him off and sliced him to bits... unconsious.
The wolf was covered blood, and since it’s undead it is most likely the group’s blood. Hakuri, not bothering to check her comrade, tried to stun the corpse in a vain attempt to give it a slow painful redeath. It dodged another attack from Hakuri but she landed the next blow, not as strongly as she would have liked, but she hurt the monstrosity- assuming it feels pain. Uchimaru, apparently stunned at being ignored, was now the corpse’s easiest chance at not returing to the ground. Three quick slashed and down goes Uchimaru, nolonger able to move.
Now turning on Hakuri the zombie feels it has a chance to walk out of the room, Hakuri tries to block it but the relentless attacks eventually hit her, but only minorly. Slashing back on the offencive Hakuri can’t land a blow. How is it so fast when so close to defeat? Because it must no longer feel the pain like the living do. But Hakuri has no time to think as it slashes at her and she dodges only most. Desperate she tries to stun it once again but unsuccessfully. She tries to attack it but still fails. It lunges at her face and rips the eyepatch she uses as a headband then scratches up her face. Disregarding her little scratches Hakuri let go of her weapon and tried to scratch the corpse with her claws, but she did so with distaste. It dodges two swipes but her third lands just hard evogh to bring the ramining bones in the corpse to the floor, unmoving.
Starving, Hakuri drinks blood from her sports bottle, then once full looks around. She sees her two comrades lieing on the cold, wet, red floor, motionless, next to the decaying corpse of the wolf. Hakuri falls to he knees, deeply saddened. She guided them here as their protector and look what happened. Strange howls and cries are heard on the wind and seem to echo Hakuri’s feelings.

Hakuri waits by the side of her two companions, hopeing they can cling to life, and stay with her on the material plane. She curses herself for putting her followers in danger. As she waits she searches around, looking for danger, so that she may rid of it before it reaches the two unconcious boys. She began to pace nervously areound the cave, what if they never awoken? Hakuri’s stomache growled, she was staring and thirsty. She sighed, she would be little help delusional. Glaceing at Uchimaru, then Savon, Hakuri raives a bottle of water to her mouth and drank deeply. She resumes paceing, becomeing paranoid about what could lie in the shadows waiting to fininsh them off.
Hakuri froze, she heard something, she turned just in time to see a small wolf approch. Without a second thought Hakuri attacked the wolf landing a decent blow. The wolf dodged her next slash and went on the offencie but barly scrached the agilie half-demon. Before the wolf could dodge she landed a powerful lash, then another before it could react. The wolf fell, dead, but she lashed at it again. Realizing it would never get up Hakuri quickly returned and sat that the sides of her fallen companions.
In an attempt to stop herself from wandering or fidgeting Hakuri becan to adjust her armor and mess around the items in her pack. Looking around she only saw corpses and wolf skin, however two of the corpses were alive, barly. The sun rose, a stray ray of light entering Hakuri’s eye. She sighed and watched what she could of the sun rise. Looking around Hakuri stood up and started to pace again unable to control her anziety.
Slowing opening his eyes Savon awakens but Uch is still unconcious. Hakuri smiled, embracing Savon before he pushed her away, he was blushing. Examining his armor and wounds he glanced at Uchimaru, still not moving. The girl continues to pace as Savon rests. Stopping over Savon and Uchimaru Hakuri watched him sit up, and mess with his armor. “Readyâ€

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PostPosted: April 17th, 2007, 10:36 am 
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Hakuri. What.... in the hell..... compelled you to post all of this....? :?

"You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a man's actions are, such must be his spirit." - Demosthenes

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PostPosted: April 17th, 2007, 6:03 pm 
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Well, basically it just took me a while to 'edit' the log, the segment I used was 210, size 7 font, MS Word pages. It's significatly less now but when it was carried out it was to teach Uch and Savon to be non lethal, Kagomaru's idea. Too bad he didn't log the PKs though...

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PostPosted: April 17th, 2007, 7:05 pm 
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They should have learned that they shouldn't be lethal from being PKed alone. Since they are at a low level, they should have their shard(s) attached to a weapon or piece of armor, or just be very careful around other players who PK for shards if they plan to be lethal... :|

I mean, there was no need to post all of that, unless I'm still missing the point.... :roll:

"You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a man's actions are, such must be his spirit." - Demosthenes

 Post subject:
PostPosted: April 17th, 2007, 10:57 pm 
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The shards WERE attached, but they were still lethal, and it's a warning to other newbs(short of newbies) to make sure that they are non lethal.

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PostPosted: April 18th, 2007, 8:48 am 
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It was actually all Hakuri's idea...I just happened to be bored enough to do it...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: April 18th, 2007, 3:44 pm 
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No, you mentioned makeing a group log into an RP, and then I mentioned how the two wouldn't go non lethal and then you offered to PK them, then I said that it might make for an interesting RP and lesson but then you didn't log the PKs!

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PostPosted: April 18th, 2007, 8:08 pm 
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It was a stupid idea overall. And Kagomaru was told off by me because of it. Next time, do not do something similar of the sort. "PKing" to "teach a lesson" is the stupidest idea, ever. Simply direct them to helpfiles. And that is that.

"Being right means you betray life. After all, common sense is dead."
-Alexander Leon

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PostPosted: May 25th, 2007, 9:25 am 
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Alex i just have a question, If this is a General forum how come your telling them not to put it in here? :lol:

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PostPosted: May 25th, 2007, 6:02 pm 
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Derius, are you stupid? Or unable to read? I never said they were not allowed to place anything in the General forums. READ, Derius, READ.

"It was a stupid idea overall. And Kagomaru was told off by me because of it. Next time, do not do something similar of the sort. "PKing" to "teach a lesson" is the stupidest idea, ever. Simply direct them to helpfiles. And that is that."

If nothing of this is what you are replying to, then try and be more specific next time. I don't understand stupid speak.

"Being right means you betray life. After all, common sense is dead."
-Alexander Leon

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PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 9:47 am 
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i never said you said they couldent, all i ment to say is why are you telling them its a stupid idea, Maybe its working for them. You are not them, so just leave it alone. Moderating a forum, and dictating a forum are 2 different things alex. I dont think its part of your job as an "Enforcer" or as a "Moderator" to comment people, and tell them what you think they should or shouldent do. This topic wasnt directed towards you, if it was directed towards you then the title would of been "Alex", like when i was feuding with you. You know what moderating is, dont you? I have moderated at many forums. It just means to watch the forum section your assigned to for improper, or unjust posts. Not to comment on the writings within the forum. You gotta know when to post. :twisted: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

death is but only a Dream

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PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 9:49 am 
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I would understand you telling them its stupid if it were in the News section of the mud, or some other sections of the mud.

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PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 3:18 pm 
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Derius, you do understand that you're currently telling one of the game imms that he shouldn't tell a player not to kill another player in-game to "teach them a lesson" none of which has anything to do with moderation because none of it has anything to do with these forums except that that was where the communication took place, but it's all in-game matters and Alexander is an enforcer in-game so has every right (and argubly some obligation) to tell Kagomaru just what he did, and that by interfering in what amounts to an immortal chastising a mortal about in-game activity the only thing you're likely to do is make that immortal watch you more closely in-game so he can bust you when he gets the chance, right? Or did you somehow think that these forums are the game and that PKing meant something like flaming, if so, yo're very very wrong on both counts. Normally, I'd stay out of something like this, but it's starting to wear. It's not about the forums, and as an enforcer on the mud is very much is his job to tell players what they should not do, and punish them for continuing to do it after they've been told not to.

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PostPosted: May 31st, 2007, 9:16 am 
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i am very much aware of all this, and just cause he is an imm doesnt mean shit. I dont break the rules that often on the mud so i have no worries. This is a general forum let them do what they want, If players wannna punish people by killin them let them do it. If they wanna help each other it THEIR choice.

death is but only a Dream

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PostPosted: May 31st, 2007, 3:37 pm 
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Derius,not meaning to be impolite or anything but you're out of line...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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