First off, Thank you, Futcher for reporting these issues. I am very grateful.
Let's see here... The herbs. Herbs are controlled by hidden NPCs. I've noticed a lot of reports of people not being able to gather herbs of any sort at times for whatever reason. I've discovered the problem to often be the player being hidden. Try gathering an herb while visible and this should solve your issue. If not, please let me know and I will look further into it. The next fix should provide players the ability to gather herbs while hidden.
The Sign! The infamous sign. There used to be a sign with the room before I began my edits, however, it is no longer there. Because of this, the description to the room you are referring to lies. But rest assured, that will be addressed!
TYPOS... Typos... I hate to do this, since the intent is pure. But all typos go on the corresponding topic which can be found HERE:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=81In this topic, all players can report all typos they encounter. Be it on NPCs, Rooms or objects... Or anywhere else! From helpfiles to programs.
I want to thank everyone for reporting typos. However, I do want you all to know that addressing typos will be one of the last things we do before we dive into beta. Right now, it is not a priority for a lot of reason but definitely a requirement for us to address before beta. Our psychology is: We address what the majority of players focus on first. And that's usually game-play. But since we want our MUD to be a professional and respected MUD, typos won't be left to remain once we jump to our next phase.